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- page styling immediately makes it look unique

- Had to grab my microscope for this one, hehe

- Great QoL with the sound slider options, but they could do with some samples playing during adjustment so that I can tell what's too loud or quiet

- The uh... loading screen? was gone too quickly, I could only see "this was made" and then it was gone

- The "pressed a button" sound is a bit startling

- All of this text is very difficult to read (I'm on Fullscreen 1920x1080)

- The last entry in the merge book is cut off (I scrolled down all the way)

- Merge book scrolling via mouse wheel is very slow. Scrolling by grabbing the scrollbar is fine, but the bar is a bit difficult to see.

- I could not figure out how merging works: I looked up a combo in the merge book, had all the cards, but clicking on merge did nothing. "Activating" (clicking) only the three cards for the combo and then clicking merge also did nothing. Having those three cards in the middle row, clicking merge, nothing. Same goes for the top row.

- The amount of info in the merge book feels a bit overwhelming

Disclaimer: These are just my opinions, so a lot of it is very subjective.


yeah I’m actually wasn’t expecting this to be that good, this is actually my first time making a card game so I didn’t really know how to structure, but thanks for the honesty feedback helps me a lot 👍


Really neat! Could have just been an issue for me, but the sound effects were all really harsh. I also definitely struggled to understand it for a while, but it was a satisfying loop when I got into it. Also, I really had to zoom to see some of the text, and the card text was downright illegible to me. Thanks for the game!

thanks for the feedback 👍


I had a lot of fun!

I think instead of having 100 different types of cards it should be 1 card for each image. Then your merges could be more intuitive. I found the merge mechanic to be extremely counter intuitive because there were so many similarly named objects!

Also, a quick intro to the controls would be nice, going in depth of how to discard, play, merge, etc. It took me 10 minutes to know exactly what each thing meant.

I also never understood upgrades or hand types, because there were so many unique objects.

Overall, a very fun and cute game, which I think if scope were reduced to less unique cards it could snowball more like you wanted it to - like Balatro!

Well done.

so basically what your saying is that there is too much and to reduce the amount of cards to less the confusion and change some of the card names to make it easier for merging, and I’m sorry for the non intro didn’t have any time to make a tutorial system 😭

But I’m still confused about one card for each image. you mean each card should have its own image?


Correct! I think you understood exactly what I was saying.

Don't worry about it! Still super cool and you should be proud of this! This was only my second jam and I have plenty of things I wish I had time for